
Showing posts from January, 2019

Wise Integration of Technology-(SAMR) & (Triple E)

SAMR is a framework that categorizes four different degrees of classroom technology integration.  SAMR stands for Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition. Example being used for SAMR (Hand-written assignment) What does substitution stand for? This is when traditional learning is replaced by technology. Technology such as a computer takes on the form of presenting information usually done by in a lecture format.  An example looks something like the following: A word processor replaces a pencil in a writing assignment. What does augmentation stand for? This is where technology takes the place of a traditional format but with new enhancements for classroom learning. This is where a teacher might ask is the technology that is being used create an enriched learning experience while boosting productivity or does it decrease the experience. An example of this looks something like the following: A word processor being used by a stude...

Technology In The Classroom Clark vs.Kozma


Digital Learning-Takeaways and Personal Experience

Dr. Brown's presentation on Digital Learning was very thought-provoking and challenged me to think about how and why we use technology in the classroom. At the end of my high school journey and throughout my college years technology brought my peers closer together as we learned from each other while using some form of technology to complete an assignment. Dr. Brown highlighted a few positive examples about digital learning that included a rich social context of learning, the ability that students have to learn from each other, and that students can learn from watching their peers. I know that I am a visual learner so taking his belief of learning from peers and in group settings made me think about my past and current experiences. I decided to see how this concept applied in the classroom when I substitute teach and with my two boys. In the classroom, it was clear to see when I or the teacher gave direction there were always a few students that were not sure what to do. When ...

Week 2, Option 1-Meaningful Learning

My learning experience with technology was always presented as a visual means of learning that partnered with a teacher’s guidance. I think the visual helped us follow along with what the teacher was presenting but was not the most effective engagement wise.  The visual images, videos, and programs we had served as a tool for teaching rather than a collaborating experience with our peers. There was one computer game that I do remember playing that was useful. In about 4th or 5th grade, the teacher introduced us to a game called "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego. This was a computer-based game that challenged us by using trivia. During the course of the game, you would play as a detective trying to capture Carmen. This game was a favorite among parents, teachers, and students because it required us to use math skills and our knowledge of different geographical locations around the world. Based on the decisions we made we either got closer to capturing Carmen or ...