
Personal Goal Growth

As a teacher, I think it is important to have continual goals. I also believe it is important to spend time self-reflecting on teaching methods and strategies.  When I thought about my own personal goals this semester it was only natural for me to pick three areas around technology. For one I love using and exploring with them. Second, I use them every day whether it is taking picture or videos of my kids sporting events or playing a game with them. Last, it is the center and primary function for which the society interacts and does business. My first goal was to become better working with editing pictures on my MacBook with Apple's  iphoto. Below are two of the same picture. The one of the left I is the original and the one on the right is the digitally enhanced version. I really was not fond of the original and it honestly did not do the original scene justice. After enhancing the photo I think it does a better job of capturing the setting and feeling for wh...
1. What are the emerging trends in educational technology? Artificial intelligence has come a long way since the initial launch of Apple's Siri. Now  Apple has made it possible to ask Siri more complex questions with answers that are more accurate.  Google has also launched a new intelligent assistant that can help save you the time by asking it questions.  2. How do they reshape the culture of learning and teaching? Teachers need to present opportunities around problem-based learning, immersion, and simulation. Problem-based learning is where students learn about the subject of an open-ended problem. They are often challenged to identify solutions to real life problems. Immersion is real-time decision making over longer periods of time. So if the student makes a decision that is not the optimal decision then they have to rethink the answer. Simulation is important because it happens in a safe environment where students are free to expe...

Importance of New Literacies In An Era of Participatory Culture

What is a participatory culture? A participatory culture is one in which the public does not act only as consumers but contributors or producers. They are often labeled as prosumers which are most often applied to the production or creation of published media. Media devices and technology have allowed consumers to publish their work through the internet. Why are new literacies important in the classroom? Social media and technology have been a game changer in our lives and in the business world. It has made a huge impact on the way we communicate and share information instantly. And now new literacies are being integrated into the classroom in order to help students reach new competencies levels K-12. The use of media literacies allows social interaction and cultural experiences that will help students interact with a diverse audience, especially with online audiences. Exposure! Exposure! Exposure! One example is to break students into several...

"Immersive Learning: Creating "an" experience"

                                                   "Ted Talks" Wow! The Ted Talk seemed like a real game changer for fostering an immersive learning experience for students. The pedagogy format used places the student right at the heart and center of learning when trying to reach given objectives. The Ted Talk provided me with a clearer perspective on experimental learning and how it can help aid the learning experience. This style of experimental learning has to be hands down one of the most engaging ways to hook students and have the buy in we need from them while teaching. Now using virtual reality sounds both exciting and scary. I say this because the presenter talked about the wonderful experience he had while also mentioning what I see as one potential hiccup in moving this form of pedagogical methods forward. Teachers! We need teachers to back th...

Wise Integration of Technology-(SAMR) & (Triple E)

SAMR is a framework that categorizes four different degrees of classroom technology integration.  SAMR stands for Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition. Example being used for SAMR (Hand-written assignment) What does substitution stand for? This is when traditional learning is replaced by technology. Technology such as a computer takes on the form of presenting information usually done by in a lecture format.  An example looks something like the following: A word processor replaces a pencil in a writing assignment. What does augmentation stand for? This is where technology takes the place of a traditional format but with new enhancements for classroom learning. This is where a teacher might ask is the technology that is being used create an enriched learning experience while boosting productivity or does it decrease the experience. An example of this looks something like the following: A word processor being used by a stude...

Technology In The Classroom Clark vs.Kozma


Digital Learning-Takeaways and Personal Experience

Dr. Brown's presentation on Digital Learning was very thought-provoking and challenged me to think about how and why we use technology in the classroom. At the end of my high school journey and throughout my college years technology brought my peers closer together as we learned from each other while using some form of technology to complete an assignment. Dr. Brown highlighted a few positive examples about digital learning that included a rich social context of learning, the ability that students have to learn from each other, and that students can learn from watching their peers. I know that I am a visual learner so taking his belief of learning from peers and in group settings made me think about my past and current experiences. I decided to see how this concept applied in the classroom when I substitute teach and with my two boys. In the classroom, it was clear to see when I or the teacher gave direction there were always a few students that were not sure what to do. When ...